A perfect way to accomplish more is to hire a virtual assistant to help you prepare and schedule posts onto your social accounts. Create a process and a plan to delegate the routine posts, while you focus on task only you can do.
You’re able to add your virtual assistant to your Facebook page without sharing your user name and password of your Facebook account.
Here’s how:
- Ask your virtual assistant to “Like” and “Follow” your Facebook Business page.
- From your desktop, log into your Facebook account.
- Click on the down arrow on the upper righthand corner of the page and select your business page.
- Once on your page’s profile, click on “Settings” on the upper left-hand corner of your screen.
- Under settings on the left side of your screen, select “General,” then click on “Page Roles.”
- In this screen, click on “Assign a New Page Role.”
- Select from these options, depending on how much access you’d like to grant your virtual assistant. Review each role capability and description when choosing a role best fit for your needs.
- Administrator
- Editor
- Moderator
- Advertiser
- Analyst
- Jobs Manager
- Type the name of your virtual assistant who you want to add to your page.
- You’ll be asked to enter your password.
- A notification will be sent to your virtual assistant’s Facebook account. They will need to accept their new role invitation.
To Change or Remove
If you need to remove or change the role for your team member, simply
Click “Edit” then a drop bar will appear to change the role, or
Click “Remove.” A warning message will pop up, then click “Confirm.”