Creating your MailChimp account is a snap! Watch this short 6-minute video and learn how to create your MailChimp account. It’s a step-by-step tutorial of what you need to do…
Use Slack to Accomplish More with Your Team
In this Accomplish More Tip, I share why we use Slack for our main team communication tool. Instead of cluttering up our email inboxes with short questions or messages, we…
Introduction to Project Management System: Asana
In this Accomplish More Tip is about project management systems. It’s my suggestion to choose a project management system early on in your business. Breaking down bigger projects will help…
Using Screencast for Policies and Procedures
Writing policies and procedures can be a daunting task. In fact, when you’re a small business owner, you may not even take the time to write down cheat sheets or…
Using Screencast-o-matic to communicate with Your virtual team
Doing a video for feedback saves you and your team time. First, you’re recording your feedback on your own time when you are fresh in what you want to say. Your team can watch the video and rewatch during their work time which could be very different than your work time.
Why We Use Screencast-o-matic
Screencast-o-matic is one of our favorite and most used tools here at Scrivener Solutions. Screencast-o-matic is an affordable solution and simple tool to creating videos. Using your webcam, you can…
How to Add Spacing Between Bullet Point Lines in MailChimp
Dense copy is hard for your followers to read. In MailChimp, it can be a little tricky to add space between your bullet points without completely messing up the formatting…
How to Use the Snipping Tool on Your PC
It’s quite handy to be able to grab a screen clip to use in cheatsheets or communication with your team. If you have a Windows computer, here’s how to use…
How to Share Your Facebook Page with Your Virtual Assistant
A perfect way to accomplish more is to hire a virtual assistant to help you prepare and schedule posts onto your social accounts. Create a process and a plan to…
How to Assign Page Roles To Your Facebook Page
Today’s Accomplish More Tip is how to share your Facebook business page to your virtual assistant. You can assign roles on your Facebook page giving the specific access you’d like…